Sunday, May 17, 2020

Global Warming is Happening - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 717 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/03/14 Category Ecology Essay Level High school Tags: Global Warming Essay Did you like this example? Global warming is happening but is it an immediate emergency. Not necessarily because yes we may be feeling effects of it now but we cant be sure whether the change in climate is because of natural reasons or because of our greenhouse gas emissions. The reason that we cant tell is because we started to take not of temperatures and get into meteorology at the coldest non ice age point in our planets history. We can tell that this was the coldest point because of the data that we have gotten from the ice cores from greenland. Having this data we can see the temperature of the times when the different layers of ice were formed to see the fluxuations in the temperature over the years. Now dont get me wrong it is an issue but until that we can prove its man made warming there is nothing we can do sure we can cut down on factory emissions and fossil fuels but if this warming period is not man made we will see zero changes and people will freak out more. So in my scientific opinion we should make a plan in case it is man made but we should not activate this plan until we no for one hundred percent sure that it is man made warming because if it not man made it could make a lot of people mad at the government more than they already are. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Global Warming is Happening" essay for you Create order Plus even if global warming was happening to a dangerous rate its probably too late to change it enough to save us because if it is warming up that hot that fast we just simply dont have enough time at that point. Needless to say that it isnt happening and this can be proved by ice cores and the rings in the trees trunks that climate temperature fluctuations are normal and have happened before we even invented the wheel so we will have to see if the warming stops and goes down again which it most likely will because this is all normal and it is a consequence of use ing out of the little ice age in europe the planet is heating back up. Now again if it really is happening and this is man made we may be done for already because we are constantly putting huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the air every day which in the IPCCs eyes and opinions is the cause of this warming period that we are in is not just simply going to stop just because a few government officials say that we need to people will need a new fuel for their cars we will need new ways to make products that does not release carbon dioxide as a product as well as figure out a way to use up the oxygen that is in the atmosphere in the air already which will be difficult to do mainly because no one is going to make an air filter the size of a space station. Which means that we are screwed when that time come people may as well kiss their loved ones good bye buy a bunker horde food and ac units and hope for the best because there will be no way that you can get an entire planet to cooperate with you to do one thing even if it will save their live people are way too stubborn. Now thats not to say that if the government makes carbon dioxide producing things illegal may help a lot but i can guarantee you that it wont help enough to make a difference and change the fate that we have been helping to make since before the industrial revolution. Not even starting with the fact that the science that the IPPC are giving us to prove their theory about global warming is incomplete. We started looking at climate changes at the coldest point in the last one thousand years which means yeah there will be a warming period because after its cold it gets warm after it gets warm it will get cold again that is just how life works that is how it has always worked why we are making a huge deal about it now is beyond me but it is really uncalled for.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Erikson s Stages Of Development - 867 Words

There are two girls in my family that were both born about a year ago. I have spent some time observing both of them even before taking this psychology course. During family gatherings I have noticed some slight differences in the way both of these girls learn from their environment, from their family, and from strangers. When learning about Piaget’s and Erikson s stages of development, it gave me a better understanding of how these two girls are developing and learning from their everyday experiences. The first child I have observed is Pola. I have spent some time with Pola and her family, because I was chosen to be her godfather. Pola is a sweet child, but she cries a lot around strangers, especially around me when I had to hold her for family pictures, which by the way was a nightmare. While studying Erikson’s stages of development, I could see that she was definitely part of the infancy stage which is the trust/mistrust stage. This means that when she is around her parents, she feels secure and trusts them, because they provide her with food, water, and shelter. This develops a close knit relationship that builds a stronger bond with each other. When I spent some time with Pola, she felt insecure, did not trust me, and cried to her parents. This does make sense because I am not the caregiver, thus she does not trust in me. Another observation is that she is still dependent on her parents when playing with toys or interacting with another child. This shows that she isShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Stages Of Development1608 Words   |  7 PagesThe Psychosocial Development The View on Erik H. Erikson s Stages of Development Frank Phan Cosumnes River College Psychology 300 Abstract This paper will touch over the aspects of Erik H Erickson s eight stages and how they affect everyday lives from infancy to adulthood. The paper will go over the approximate ages and the psychosocial crisis that they will eventually come to. Neglecting a child can lead to a cause of mental negligence in the form of Arrested Development. Within differentRead MoreErikson s Stages Of Psychosocial Development1647 Words   |  7 PagesRachel Getting Married is a movie about a drug addict who s coming home from rehab to attend her sister’s wedding. The main character’s name is Kim. In the movie, she is shown to have many issues going on, ranging from an incomplete stage of Erikson s to symptoms of depression. Throughout the movie, she goes through many emotional turmoils and drama, which changes her behavior. Section A: Erikson’s stages of Psychosocial Development includes trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs shame and doubt, initiativeRead MoreErikson s Stages Of Psychosocial Development1573 Words   |  7 Pages I believe in order to tell one’s own story; one must first have a clear and concise vantage point from which he or she would like the reader to acknowledge. Erikson s stages of psychosocial development are somewhat of a biography of eight imperative stages throughout one’s life. This Psychoanalytical perspective starts at birth and continues to evolve throughout one’s life up until an individual’s untimely death. Now, as we know sometimes simple events and dates can become very tedious and mundaneRead MoreErik Erikson s Stages Of Psychosocial Development1695 Words   |  7 Pages Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt,, Germany, in 1902. He was raised by his mother and stepfather and never knew his biological father. Throughout his life he struggled with his identity and felt that his stepfather never fully accepted him. After meeting Anna Freud the daughter of Sigmund Freud in Vienna, he decided to pursue a career in psychoanalysis. He received a diploma from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute however he never received a formal degree all of his knowledge was based on hisRead MoreErikson s Psychosocial Stages Of Development1014 Words   |  5 PagesIn your initial post, identify the original life story element you intend to change and explain how you intend to change it. Use Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development to explain Mila’s stage of development at the time this change takes place and address how the change affects Mila’s psychological development. If I had the opportunity to change anything in Mila’s story, I would change her work life. After Mila and Oliver got married and moved to a residence in a neighborhood just minutes awayRead MoreErikson s Stages Of Psychosocial Development Essay1327 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development from the ages of 12-18 adolescents are attempting to construct their identity; determining who they are, what they value, and where they fit in society (Berk, 2003, p. 314). For adolescents of color in the United States, this period of identity development takes place in an environment filled with what Young (2013, p. 43) called â€Å"the oppression of violence.† Young wrote that the oppression of violence affects both those who have been directlyRead MoreCognitive Development And Erikson s Stages Of Human Development Essay1284 Words   |  6 PagesFor the second assignment I chose option two: psychology your way. During this quarter we le arned about different theories like, Piaget s theory of the 5 stages of cognitive development and Erikson s stages of human development. I wanted to show how we learn, and behave differently at different ages. For a few years now, I ve been helping teach dance classes at my studio, and I thought that showing how we teach different age levels would be a good way to tie dance and psychology together. BecauseRead MoreThe Vital Stage of Every Student: Erik Erikson ´s Stages of Development 815 Words   |  4 Pages Erik Erikson has developed a theory broken down into several different stages representing different stages of a persons life, and one of his stages is directly associated with the age of children who enter the school scene for the first time. This stage is commonly referred to as Industry Vs. Inferiority. 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Stages of Psychosocial development Erik Erikson’s theory emphasizes the search for identity during the adolescent years (Feldman, 2013). His ideas were greatly influenced by Freud, going along with Freud’s (1923) theory regarding the structure and topography of personality (McLeod, 2008). Erikson’s theory is broken down into eight different stages. The first stage is ‘Trust-vs.-mistrust’, which

Emotional Bullying free essay sample

Many people retain horrible memories of high school, in large part due to the bullying they experienced. Teenage bullying is a very real problem in schools. And it isnt always physical. There are many different types of bullying, including verbal and emotional bullying. These types of bullying, though more subtle than physical bullying, can still have a large impact on a student. Additionally, with the Internet now becoming a huge part of many teens lives, it is no surprise that cyber bullying is seeing an increase. What is bullying? Bullying includes behaviors that focus on making someone else feel inadequate, or focus on belittling someone else. Bullying includes harassment, physical harm, repeatedly demeaning speech and efforts to ostracize another person. Bullying is active, and is done with the intention of bringing another person down. It is important to realize that there are different kinds of bullying:   * Physical Bullying: This is the most obvious form of bullying. We will write a custom essay sample on Emotional Bullying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something. * Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down anothers self-image. Bullies who use verbal techniques excessively tease others, say belittling things and use a great deal of sarcasm with the intent to hurt the other persons feelings or humiliate the other teen in front of others. * Emotional: This is even more subtle than verbal bullying. Teenage bullying that includes emotional methods aims at getting someone else to feel isolated, alone and may even prompt depression. This type of bullying is designed to get others to ostracize the person being bullied. * Cyber Bullying: Electronic bullying is becoming a very real problem for teens. This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world. Is teenage bullying common? According to statisticsojki9j, about 30 percent of teenagers in the Indonesia have been involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim of teenage bullying. Data suggests that teenage bullying is more common among younger teens than it is among older teens. However, it may be that young teens are more prone to physical bullying, which is easier to identify, and that older teens are more sophisticated in methods of bullying that are not always exactly identified as such. Physical bullying is more common among boys, and teenage girls often favor verbal and emotional bullying. Indeed, while boys report that they are more likely to be involved in physical altercations, girls report that they are often the targets of nasty rumors   especially involving sexual gossip. Additionally, girls are more likely to use exclusion as a teenage bullying technique than boys are. What are some of the effects of teenage bullying? There are a number of effects that come with teenage bullying. First of all, there are the obvious physical problems and injuries that can result from physical bullying. However, emotional, verbal and cyber bullying can deeply affect teens as well. These activities can lead to depression (and even suicide), drug use and stunted social development. These are problems that can affect a person well into adulthood. Another problem can be that of retaliation. In some cases, bullied teens have violent fantasies of attacking their tormentors. There are instances in which these teens become violent, turning on their classmates in order to get revenge. This can be a cause of heartbreak and difficulty. Reducing teenage bullying It is very difficult to address teen bullying. However, there are some things that can help discourage bullying situations. Teens should be encouraged to seek friends, in person and online, who are supportive and kind. They should try to move in groups if possible, since bullies most often single out those who are alone. Also, it is important to have teachers and other adult authorities present when possible to discourage bullying behavior. You can also talk to bullies about more appropriate behavior, and hope that they are willing to listen. In the end, it is difficult to totally prevent teenage bullying especially if it is verbal, emotional or cyber bullying. You should encourage good efforts to reduce bullying, and let victims see that you are involved in these efforts. The best thing you can do is be encouraging to bullying victims and try to help them get through this tough time as unscathed as possible.